Saturday, December 20, 2014

Out of Box Demo Games- Updated 2/3/15

Greetings All,

For anybody interested in running games directly out of the RRT Starter box I have been working on scenarios based on the intro missions in the rule book and a few of my own creation.


Escalation League

Greetings All,

Myself and a few other local RRT players in Pasadena/Los Angeles CA area are starting an escalation league. 

We will be playing at Game Empire Pasadena and anybody who is close enough to join up is welcome. The league will start Tuesday January 6th, in the evening.

I will be posting League info, rules, scenarios, FAQ and other items for league use to my blog for those signing up. For everybody else looking to start your own league, your welcome to take a look and maybe this stuff will help you start your own league.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

UEDF Models Assembly Tutorial: Part 1

Greetings All,

PythNutD back with another RRT hobby article. Took a bit of a break this November, but got my RRT energy back and I'm back to assembling, painting, and blogging.

I've had multiple people across the various forums request that I put up some articles talking about assembly of the various RRT models. Well now that the remainder of my Pledges are in hand I certainly will have plenty to assemble. Now onto the first part of what will become a multi-article series, specifically in this article I show how I assemble the Veritech models, and a destroid thrown in for fun.
